Vastu Shastra is an ancient Indian science that focuses on architectural and design principles to increase the positive flow of energy (Prana) in the space you live in. Kitchen is considered an important area in Vastu Shastra as it affects the health and prosperity of the house. Here are some Vastu tips for kitchen.

1. Kitchen Direction:
Having a kitchen in the South-East corner is considered auspicious. While cooking, make sure you face the East direction and if a fire corner is not possible, the kitchen can be done in the North-West corner. While cooking, make sure you face the North direction. If this is not the case, it affects the health of the people living in the house. Especially adversely affects the health of women. There is also a loss of food and wealth. And there can be many diseases related to digestion.

2. In which direction what to keep in the kitchen:
Drinking water should be kept in the north-east direction of the kitchen.
– The gas fire in the kitchen should be kept in the corner. or in the northwest corner
– While preparing in the kitchen, it is better if your face is in the east or north direction, thirdly you can keep your face in the west direction.
– The store should be made in the south-west or north-west corner of the kitchen.
– Keep microwave, mixer or other metal equipment in the south-east direction. Refrigerator or freezer can be placed in South-West.
– If you want to keep Savarni, or any cleaning item in the kitchen, you can keep it in the South-West.
Keep the dustbin outside the kitchen. never keep in the northeast

3. How should the kitchen be:
– The kitchen should be open and square.
– The kitchen should be in the South-East corner.
There should be a turn and lightbox in the east.
Make a place to store water in the northeast.
– If you want to make a modular kitchen, then ask an architect to make it.
– Take care of installing exhaust fan in the kitchen.
There should not be any kind of shelf above the stove.

4. What should be the utensils in the kitchen:
– Do not cook any kind of food in German or aluminum in the kitchen, because it is fatal for health. Due to which diseases like skin diseases and cancer can occur. Although in German, you can freeze yogurt.
However, nowadays the trend of eating in stainless steel utensils has increased. This also remains beautiful and beneficial. Stainless steel is an alloy made by adding carbon, chromium and nickel to iron. This metal does not cut like iron and does not react with acid like brass.

5. Kitchen Rules:
– Be careful if there are insects, rodents, rats or other types of insects roaming in the kitchen; They will eat your health and wealth. Keep the kitchen clean and beautiful.
– Whenever you eat food, first offer it to the fire. Fire has the first right over the food cooked by fire.
– After eating, never keep the plate under the kitchen stand, bed or table, don’t even keep it on top.
– Invoking the gods before eating. Don’t talk or get angry while freezing. Sit and eat with family members. Do not make strange sounds while freezing.
– Food should always be taken facing east or north. If possible, take food while sitting in the kitchen; It pacifies Rahu. One should never eat while wearing slippers.
Dripping water from the kitchen tap is a sign of financial loss. If water is dripping from any utensil in the house, then fix that too.
– Peace is maintained in the house by wiping the kitchen with sea salt once a week (except Thursday). After all the negative energy in the house is over, there are no quarrels in the house and Lakshmi’s abode remains forever.

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