According to the guidelines of Vastu Shastra, toilets and bathrooms can become sources of negative energy if not placed in the right direction. That’s why it is essential to consider the correct direction of the bathroom and toilet while building a house according to Vastu. Avoid making a bathroom in the middle of the house. To promote positive energy, it is necessary to seek guidance from Vastu principles when designing the toilet.

The improper location of a bathroom/toilet may lead to financial problems, loss of money, health issues for family members, stress, or minor accidents. Some people design bedrooms with attached toilets, which can become a source of negative energy. However, following architectural guidelines can rectify this problem.

Which diseases can be caused due to defecation?

1. Placing the toilet in the North-East may lead to mental illness, depression, thyroid problems, migraines, and other minor diseases. It can also cause domestic disputes, economic problems, and make the mother-in-law angry.
2. If there is a toilet under the stairs in the North-East direction, and the Moon’s Mercury is inauspicious, someone in the house may develop mental issues. Additionally, if the house is involved in a legal case, it is likely to lose the case.
3. Women may fall sick due to having toilets in the fire angle. If the business does not run properly, there may be fraud.
4. Placing the toilet in the North-West corner can cause foot surgery or foot problems. Business will not flourish.
5. A toilet in the Brahma place of the house may lead to incurable diseases and economic losses.
6. Combining more than one Vastu defect in the house can exacerbate the situation. For example, if there is a toilet in the North-East and a fire defect, there is a possibility of blood cancer. If there is a fault in the North-West and fire, it may lead to cancer. It is essential to consider horoscope faults along with Vastu dosh, as they can create additional problems.

If you want to build or remodel your toilet, or fix structural defects in your toilet, here are some tips to get you started:
Actually, not much space has been allocated for toilets. The toilet should be located in the center of the west or south direction of the house.

It is also considered good to have it in the North-West corner.

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