The Sun is the source of life in the universe and forms the foundation of our existence. It has been revered as a deity, and with scientific knowledge, we now understand the reasons for its greatness and necessity.

The Sun’s diameter is 8,65,380 miles, and its fireball emits an astounding 3.7 X 10^26 watts of power to Earth per second. This energy is crucial for various processes, including photosynthesis, which sustains life on our planet. Additionally, the Sun’s rays contain substances beneficial to our bodies, such as Vitamin D, which helps control diabetes.

The Sun’s rays also comprise seven hidden colors: Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, and Red. These colors have a significant impact on the human body, and in naturopathy, they are used for healing by reflecting them through mirrors of different colors.

In Vastu Shastra, the ancient Indian science of architecture, sunlight plays a vital role in maintaining a harmonious living space. Allowing sunlight into the house helps overcome many defects and brings positive energy. The Sun, as a planet of energy and creativity, holds immense importance in Vastu Shastra.

Sunlight is particularly crucial in the kitchen, as the Sun’s rays falling between 10 am and 12 pm can help eliminate bacteria and promote a healthier environment. A well-lit room not only repels insects but also enhances the well-being and energy of its occupants.

Astrologically, the Sun is considered the karaka of the soul, and its presence in a home increases the confidence and positivity of the inhabitants. Sunlit spaces have more energy and help dispel negativity.

When constructing a house, it is essential to ensure that there is ample open space in the east direction to allow the morning sunlight to enter. Vastu Shastra recommends designing the house in a way that the kitchen and worship room receive sunlight, as it provides a positive energy boost and a natural source of Vitamin D during morning prayers.

Reducing the use of artificial light in the house is also encouraged, as natural sunlight has various health benefits.

Share these insights with your friends and family to spread the knowledge of the benefits of sunlight according to Vastu Shastra.

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